A look at sweet pool's dark themes

A look at sweet pool's dark themes

I can't take credit for this post – it was originally posted by Cthonical here on Tumblr. She's given me permission to reproduce it here, as it highlights some of sweet pool's more esoteric aspects.

You might have heard whispers of Sweet Pool’s plot in the past, probably with oblique references to meat and the idea that this is the strangest and least accessible of Nitro Chiral’s BL titles. With it finally receiving the localisation it deserves from JAST Blue, it’s time to look past the memes and appreciate Sweet Pool for what it truly is: an evocatively dark piece of body horror wrapped around the nascent rumblings of Omegaverse tropes.
Is it dark and bloody? Yes, and you’d best be prepared for that going in. But if you’ve ever enjoyed the chase between a stoic alpha and his wary omega and are into horror, Sweet Pool is a perfect mix of fear and eroticism that is sure to pique your interest. Although not named in the same words, Youji’s burgeoning and breaking heat is a driving force of both the creeping horror and the eroticism in the narrative. From Tetsuo scenting and sensing the fact Youji is his fated mate to the desperate need to fulfill their biology’s calling and create a child, no matter the cost, there’s a great deal here that will be familiar to any Omegaverse aficionado. 
 And if you’re not? Cults, cannibalism, eldritch body horror, tragedy, and a soundtrack that will creep you out all on its own provide more than enough for any horror fan to chew on. Nitro Chiral’s trademark creativity and willingness to break any and all boundaries is on full display here, and I can’t wait for this story to reach more English-speaking audiences than ever before and be enjoyed as was intended by the original creators.

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